Hot work Training (heat Stress)
  • Sertifikasi KEMNAKER

Hot Work Training (Heat Stress)

  • Sertifikasi Internal

Jadwal Pelatihan

Hot Work Training (Heat Stress)

Heat is a year-round job hazard in some workplaces. During summer months, employees have a greater risk of experiencing heat related illnesses. When a person works in a hot environment, the body must get rid of excess heat to maintain a stable internal temperature.  It does this mainly through circulating blood to the skin, and by sweating.

When the air temperature is close to (or warmer than) normal body temperature, blood circulated to the skin cannot lose its heat. Sweating then becomes the main way the body cools off, but sweating is only effective if the humidity level is low enough to allow for evaporation and if the lost fluids and salts are replaced.  If the body cannot get rid of excess heat, it will store it.  When this happens the body’s core temperature rises and the heart and breathing rates increase. When heat gain exceeds heat loss, symptoms of heat strain (the physiological response to heat stress) can develop. There is no specific standard or temperature for identification of heat stress.

Heat stress is largely preventable by engineering and administrative control methods. As a last resort or in extreme conditions, the use of personal protection is warranted. These measures include establishing procedures for acclimatization of new workers, training in safe work practices, reducing the duration of work in hot environments and providing plenty of drinking water. Workers and supervisors must receive adequate training and education to be able to recognize early symptoms of health disorders and seek timely medical help.

Objectives of Training

  1. Conduct hazard assessment of heat exposure in the workplace.
  2. Identify risk factors for work in hot environments.
  3. Develop prevention programs and practices to reduce injury and illness.
  4. Plan problem-solving actions through employee and management involvement.
  5. Develop hazard controls based on the most current knowledge in the field of occupational health and safety.
  6. Comply with legal requirements.

Training Program

  1. Legal Responsibilities to prevent Heat Stress
  2. The Body’s response to Hot Environments
  3. Safety and Health Concerns
  4. Measures of Heat Exposure
  5. Heat Exposure Standards and Guidelines
  6. Control Measures
  7. Occupational Health and Safety Legislation

Who should join this training?

Courses are aimed at health and safety committee members, health and safety representatives, employees, supervisors and managers. For training sessions, the course can serve as a practical program for future reference.


The certificate of this training will be issued by Prime Safety Indonesia

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